Will Missing Shingles Cause An Emergency Roof Leak?

Will Missing Shingles Cause An Emergency Roof Leak?

Will Missing Shingles Cause An Emergency Roof Leak? | 256-ROOFERS

Will Missing Shingles Cause An Emergency Roof Leak?

4 a.m. Drip–drip–drip. Uh oh! An emergency roof leak—what should you do? Take a deep breath. While a small leak can be concerning, your roof isn’t going to collapse immediately from a few missing shingles. Here’s a closer look at what missing shingles mean and when to consider it an emergency.

Understanding Missing Shingles

Finding a few missing shingles is definitely a sign that your roof needs attention. However, it doesn’t necessarily constitute an emergency. Even if you notice a small leak due to missing shingles, it’s usually not a roofing crisis.

How can you determine if shingles are missing? A leak could be a hint—like that annoying drip in the middle of the night or a new ceiling stain. To confirm, inspect your roof from the ground or from a safe distance using an extension ladder. Look for noticeable color differences, which indicate missing shingles. Each shingle is about 1 foot wide and 3 feet long, so missing shingles create visible gaps.

Why Missing Shingles Matter

Shingles are designed to overlap and adhere to prevent water infiltration. They are not completely waterproof but are water-resistant. When shingles are missing, the underlying layers of your roof have to compensate, which can lead to problems.

Underlayment’s Role

Underlayment, positioned beneath the shingles, is a waterproof layer that helps protect your roof’s sheathing from water damage. While it provides some protection, it’s not a permanent solution. Over time, missing shingles can cause the underlayment to fail, leading to damage in your home’s rafters, insulation, and drywall.

Where Do Shingles Go?

Shingles don’t just disappear. They can be dislodged by high winds, severe weather, or even physical damage like falling branches. Over time, old shingles can deteriorate and fall off. If you find shingle fragments around your yard after a storm, it’s a clear sign that your roof needs repair.

Emergency Roof Leak: What to Look For

An emergency roof leak is characterized by a sudden and significant increase in water infiltration. Here are key indicators:

  • Timing: Continuous or rapid drips suggest an emergency.
  • Quantity: Multiple leaks across the roof qualify as an emergency.
  • Destruction: Significant damage or destruction in your living space turns a small leak into an emergency.
  • Volume: Filling up buckets quickly indicates a serious problem.

Preventing a Roofing Emergency

You can avoid a roofing emergency by having your roof inspected annually. Address minor issues like missing shingles or small leaks promptly to prevent them from escalating into major problems.

256-ROOFERS is here to help homeowners in Huntsville and surrounding areas protect their properties. Contact us today to schedule a comprehensive roof inspection and keep your home safe.


How often should I inspect my roof?

It’s recommended to have your roof inspected at least once a year, or after major weather events, to catch any potential issues early.

Can I fix missing shingles myself?

While some minor repairs might be manageable, it’s generally safer and more effective to hire a professional roofer to ensure proper repair and avoid further damage.

How can I prevent shingles from becoming loose?

Regular roof maintenance and inspections can help ensure shingles remain securely attached. Additionally, addressing any signs of wear and tear promptly can prevent loose shingles.